Introducing Raja Ahmed: A Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Graduate Raja Ahmed’s Journey as a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Raja’s Background and Experience Raja Ahmed is a recent graduate of the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Program. His journey as a student ambassador began when he attended the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Summit, held in Redmond, Washington. […]
Cloud Computing: What is It and How Can It Benefit Your Business? What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. What Benefits Does Cloud Computing Offer? Cloud computing offers […]
How to Add Copilot to Your Power Apps | GPT-based User Controls What is Copilot? Copilot is a Microsoft-developed product designed to give users the ability to quickly and easily create and deploy powerful user interfaces for Power Apps. It is a cloud-based platform that helps users design, build, test, and deploy Power Apps. It […]
Enhanced Autoscale Capabilities in HDInsight Clusters What is Autoscaling? Autoscaling is the process of automatically adding or removing resources from a computing environment in order to optimize performance, cost, and availability. Autoscaling helps organizations manage their workloads more efficiently and cost-effectively by ensuring that they are not over or under-provisioning resources. Autoscaling also helps ensure […]
Announcing extended support for minor Kubernetes versions in AKS hybrid Introduction to AKS hybrid Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Hybrid is an open source platform for the deployment, management, and monitoring of containerized applications. It is a cloud-native container management solution that enables organizations to deploy and manage applications in a hybrid cloud environment. AKS Hybrid […]
The Benefits of Coordination with Microsoft 365 What is Microsoft 365? Microsoft 365 is a cloud-based subscription service offering access to a variety of applications, services and tools designed to help people be more productive. It is designed to make it easier to work together, with features such as shared files, calendars, and communication tools. […]
Leveraging OpenAI GPT to Transform Your Enterprise Data Introduction In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have experienced a rapid growth. As a result, businesses and organizations of all types and sizes have been embracing the power of AI to unlock the value of their data and drive growth. One of the latest AI technologies […]
Unlock New Task Management Experiences with Microsoft Loop Components in Outlook Email, Teams Chat Introducing Microsoft Loop Microsoft Loop is a task management system that enables users to quickly and easily create, assign, and manage tasks within their Outlook email and Teams chat. Microsoft Loop is designed to be used in conjunction with other Microsoft […]
Kumppaniarkkitehtiseminaari x AI 9.5. Kalastajatorppa Kumppaniarkkitehtiseminaari X AI:n tausta Kumppaniarkkitehtiseminaari X AI on osa Microsoftin Kumppaniarkkitehtiseminaari-sarjaa, joka on suunnattu kumppaneille, jotka haluavat täydentää osaamistaan ja parantaa Microsoft-ympäristöjen rakentamista. Seminari keskittyy Azure- ja -AI-teknologioiden hyödyntämiseen tehokkaan ja luotettavan kokonaisuuden rakentamiseen. Seminaarin avulla osallistujat saavat käsityksen Azuren ja AI:n hyödyntämisestä ja saavat tarkkoja ohjeita ja vinkkejä käyttöönottoon. […]
A Comprehensive Overview of Improvements to Windows Server Containers Introduction to Windows Server Containers Windows Server Containers provide a way to isolate applications and services from each other on the same physical or virtual machine. Containers are lightweight and portable, which makes them a great choice for deploying applications and services with minimal overhead. Windows […]