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“SQL Server on Azure VMs: Get the Best Price-Performance Now!”

SQL Server on Azure VMs: The Best Price-Performance Gets Even Better
The cloud is transforming the way businesses use and manage their computing resources. With Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, organizations can quickly and easily deploy and manage SQL Server databases in the cloud. This article will discuss the benefits of running SQL Server on Azure VMs, the latest advancements in price-performance, and the best practices for optimizing performance.

Benefits of Running SQL Server on Azure VMs
SQL Server on Azure VMs provides organizations with a wide range of benefits, including:

* Scalability – Azure VMs allow for quick and easy scalability, enabling organizations to quickly scale up or down as necessary.
* Flexibility – Azure VMs can be customized to meet the specific needs of an organization.
* Security – Azure provides robust security measures to protect data.
* Cost Savings – Azure VMs are cost-effective, providing organizations with the ability to save on infrastructure costs.

Latest Price-Performance Enhancements
Microsoft has recently released several price-performance enhancements for SQL Server on Azure VMs. These enhancements include:

* Azure Hybrid Benefit – Organizations can now take advantage of the Azure Hybrid Benefit to save up to 30% on SQL Server licenses.
* Azure Reserved Instances – Organizations can save up to 72% on SQL Server licenses by taking advantage of Azure Reserved Instances.
* Azure SQL Database Managed Instance – Organizations can save up to 50% on database operations costs by using the Azure SQL Database Managed Instance.

Best Practices for Optimizing Performance
In order to maximize the performance of SQL Server on Azure VMs, organizations should employ the following best practices:

* Ensure that the VMs have the necessary resources and configurations to support the workload.
* Monitor the performance of the VMs and address any issues as soon as they are detected.
* Perform regular maintenance and optimization tasks, such as index and query optimization.
* Implement automation and DevOps processes to ensure that the environment is running optimally.

SQL Server on Azure VMs provides organizations with a powerful, cost-effective platform for deploying and managing databases in the cloud. With the latest price-performance enhancements, organizations can save even more on their SQL Server deployments. By following best practices for optimizing performance, organizations can ensure that their SQL Server deployments are running at peak efficiency.
SQL Server on Azure VMs – the best price-performance gets even better!

1. SQL Server on Azure
2. Azure VM pricing
3. Azure V