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Solving Azure SQL DB Data Sync Errors: Fixing Invalid Records (DSS035-13535)

Common Data Syncing Errors in Azure SQL DB_DSS035_13535_Invalid Records
Data syncing is a crucial process for many businesses, especially those with multiple remote locations. When done properly, data syncing can ensure that all locations are up-to-date with the same information. However, it can be difficult to manage, especially when errors occur. In this blog post, we’ll discuss a common data syncing error, Azure SQL DB_DSS035_13535_Invalid Records, and how to address it.

What is Azure SQL DB_DSS035_13535_Invalid Records?
Azure SQL DB_DSS035_13535_Invalid Records is an error that occurs during data synchronization in Azure SQL Database. It indicates that the data being synced contains invalid records. This can be caused by a number of issues, including incorrect formatting or incorrect data types.

What Causes Azure SQL DB_DSS035_13535_Invalid Records?
Azure SQL DB_DSS035_13535_Invalid Records can be caused by a number of issues, including:

* Mismatched data types
* Incorrect formatting
* Incorrect data values
* Incorrect column order
* Data truncation

How to Resolve Azure SQL DB_DSS035_13535_Invalid Records
Resolving Azure SQL DB_DSS035_13535_Invalid Records requires a careful examination of the data being synced. Here are some steps to take when troubleshooting the issue:

* Verify that the data types being used are correct and match the target database.
* Check the formatting of the data and make sure it is correct.
* Ensure that the data values are valid and consistent.
* Confirm that the column order is correct.
* Check for any data truncation issues.

Azure SQL DB_DSS035_13535_Invalid Records is a common data syncing error in Azure SQL Database. It indicates that there are invalid records in the data being synced. To resolve the issue, it’s important to carefully examine the data and make sure that the data types, formatting, values, and column order are all correct. With some careful troubleshooting, this error can be resolved and data syncing can continue uninterrupted.
Common Data Sync Errors received in Azure SQL DB_DSS035_13535_Invalid Records

1. Azure SQL Database Errors
2. Azure SQL Data Synchronization