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Maximize Savings with Azure Kubernetes Service: How to Optimize Node Cost by Combining OnDemand and Spot Instances

Optimize Azure Kubernetes Service Node Cost by Combining OnDemand and Spot VMs
Introduction to the Azure Kubernetes Service
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a managed Kubernetes service offered by Microsoft Azure. It allows developers and IT operations teams to easily create, manage, and scale their applications in the cloud. AKS provides a secure, highly available environment for running containers, and makes it easy to deploy and manage clusters. AKS also offers a variety of pricing options, including on-demand and spot VMs.

On-Demand and Spot VMs in Azure Kubernetes Service
On-demand VMs are the default pricing option for AKS. On-demand VMs are allocated to the cluster when requested, and are billed hourly. Spot VMs are a more cost-effective option, as they are allocated to the cluster when requested, but billed at a discounted rate. Spot VMs are only available in certain regions and are subject to availability.

Advantages of Combining On-Demand and Spot VMs
Combining On-Demand and Spot VMs can provide significant cost savings for customers. By combining both types of VMs, customers can take advantage of the cost savings of Spot VMs while still having the flexibility and reliability of On-Demand VMs. This ensures that workloads are always running on the most cost-effective node type.

How to Combine On-Demand and Spot VMs in AKS
Combining On-Demand and Spot VMs in AKS is easy. First, a customer must create an AKS cluster in the region where Spot VMs are available. Then, the customer must specify the number of On-Demand VMs and the number of Spot VMs to be allocated to the cluster. Finally, the customer must configure the cluster to use the Spot VMs when available, and the On-Demand VMs when the Spot VMs are not available.

Combining On-Demand and Spot VMs in AKS is a great way to save money while maintaining the reliability and flexibility of On-Demand VMs. Customers can take advantage of the cost savings of Spot VMs while still having the flexibility and reliability of On-Demand VMs. By combining both types of VMs, customers can ensure that their workloads are always running on the most cost-effective node type.
Optimize Azure Kubernetes Service Node Cost by Combining OnDemand And Spot VMs

1. Optimize Azure Kubernetes Service Node Cost
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