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Microsoft 365 Technology

Create a Custom Serverless URL Shortener and Unlock the Power of Short Links!

Exploring the Benefits of a Serverless URL Shortener

What is a URL Shortener?

A URL shortener is a tool used to reduce the length of a link. It is used to make links easier to share, save, or post on social media. The shortened link is referred to as a “slug.” It can be used to redirect to the original link and is much shorter in length. URL shorteners can be run in-house, but they can also be deployed as a service using a third-party provider.

Benefits of Using a Serverless URL Shortener

Using a serverless URL shortener has several benefits. It allows for scalability, as the number of requests and concurrent users can be handled without needing to manually scale up or down. Additionally, serverless URL shorteners are also cost-effective. There is no need to maintain a server, as all of the resources are managed by the serverless provider. Finally, serverless URL shorteners are fast, reliable, and secure.

Azure Functions for URL Shortening

Azure Functions is a serverless compute service that lets developers run code without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. It can be used to create an efficient, secure, and cost-effective URL shortener. With Azure Functions, developers can create a function that handles the entire process of generating and storing the slug, as well as redirecting the user to the original link. Azure Functions also supports several languages, making it easy for developers to create the URL shortener in their preferred language.


A serverless URL shortener is an efficient, secure, and cost-effective way to reduce the length of a link. Azure Functions provides an ideal platform for building a serverless URL shortener, as it is highly scalable, cost-effective, and fast. For businesses looking to build their own URL shortener, Azure Functions is a great choice.

GlobalAdmins offers IT consulting services to help businesses take advantage of the benefits of serverless URL shorteners. Contact us today at +1 (657) 207-3897 or info@globaladmins.com to learn more.

#GlobalAdmins #URLShortener #AzureFunctions #ServerlessComputing

Serverless URL Shortener

1. Custom Serverless
2. URL Shortener
3. Short Link Benefits