Azure is a cloud computing platform and service provided by Microsoft. It offers a wide range of cloud services, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS) options.
HDInsight 5.0 with Spark 3.x – Part 1 Introduction Azure HDInsight is Microsoft’s cloud-based offering for big data analytics and machine learning. It is based on the popular open-source project Apache Hadoop and is built on the tried and tested Microsoft Azure cloud platform. HDInsight 5.0 is the latest version of the product, which offers […]
Introduction to Cloud Architect and Data Export/Cleaning with Spark What is Cloud Architecture? Cloud architecture refers to the systems and processes that are used to design, build, and manage cloud computing systems. It is the foundation of the cloud and is responsible for the efficient, effective, secure, and reliable delivery of cloud services. The cloud […]
What’s New in MSIX: April 2023 What is MSIX? MSIX is a modern packaging technology that enables developers to package their applications in a single format that is easy to deploy and manage. MSIX helps to reduce the time, cost, and complexity of managing applications on Windows 10 and Windows Server. It also offers a […]
The Power of Fuzzy Hashing for Detecting Malicious Activity What is Fuzzy Hashing? Fuzzy hashing is a technique used by security professionals to detect malicious activity. It is a form of hashing that uses a “fuzzy” algorithm to compare and match files that are similar but not identical. This is especially useful for finding malware […]
Introduction to the New Style of Microsoft Maps Microsoft recently announced the release of a new style for its mapping platform, Microsoft Maps. This style provides a modern and sophisticated look to the mapping platform. It is designed to improve the user experience and make maps easier to read and understand. In this blog post, […]
The Virtual Ninja Show: Season 3 Recap Overview of Season 3 Season 3 of The Virtual Ninja Show has come to a close and it was a great success. This season, the show featured a variety of topics and discussions related to the cloud security landscape. From security best practices to the latest advances in […]
Modernizing Endpoints – Installing CM Client on AADJ Devices Overview The modern cloud world is rapidly changing and evolving. In order to remain competitive, organizations must make sure their endpoints are kept up to date and secure. In this article, we will discuss the process of modernizing endpoints by installing the Configuration Manager (CM) client […]
How to Detect Duplicate Files on Your Computer via PowerShell Introduction Duplicate files are a common issue for computer users, especially those who have large storage capacities. Duplicate files can take up a lot of space and can cause confusion when trying to find the right file. Fortunately, with the help of PowerShell, users can […]
What is the Mission of Responsible AI? What is Responsible AI? Responsible AI is a term used to describe the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in ways that are ethical and socially beneficial. The mission of responsible AI seeks to ensure that AI is used to promote positive social outcomes, while minimizing potential risks and […]
What is Data Mesh Architecture? The Need for Data Mesh Architecture * The Growing Need for Data-Centricity * Data Silos and Other Challenges * Data Mesh as the Solution Data Mesh Architecture Basics * Data Mesh as a Way of Thinking * Data Mesh Characteristics * Data Mesh Benefits Implementing a Data Mesh Architecture * […]