Azure is a cloud computing platform and service provided by Microsoft. It offers a wide range of cloud services, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS) options.
Leverage the Cloud to Cut File Data Costs: Comparison of Alternatives Introduction Organizations are increasingly turning to the cloud to cut costs and improve their data storage solutions. With the cloud, organizations can take advantage of a more cost-effective and secure storage solution than traditional on-premises solutions. In this article, we will compare the different […]
Automating and Streamlining Vulnerability Management for Your Clients The Benefits of Automating Vulnerability Management * Time Savings * Reduce Risk * Eliminate Manual Processes * Increase Efficiency Leveraging the Cloud for Vulnerability Management * Advantages of Cloud-based Solutions * Integrating with Existing Security Solutions * Accessing the Latest Vulnerability Information * Easily Scale as Needed […]
Introduction to Building an AI Powered Content Manager App What is AI? AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, which is a set of technologies that allow machines to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. AI has been around for decades, but it is only recently that it has become a part of mainstream technology. AI […]
How To List All VNET Subnets Used for Private Endpoints of App Service Introduction The growth of cloud services has revolutionized the way businesses operate. With the rise of cloud-based applications, the need for efficient, reliable, and secure cloud services has become increasingly important. This is especially true when it comes to App Services, which […]
Application Insights Java Profiler April 2023 – Public Preview Update What is the Application Insights Java Profiler? The Application Insights Java Profiler is a monitoring and diagnostic tool for Java applications. It helps developers to diagnose and troubleshoot performance issues in their applications. It is a lightweight agent that can be integrated with any Java […]
Exploring the Benefits of Windows LAPS for Cloud Architects What is Windows LAPS and How Can it Benefit Cloud Architects? Windows LAPS is a feature of the Windows operating system that enables administrators to centrally manage local administrator passwords for all machines in their environment. This means that administrators can easily and securely manage local […]
Microsoft Intune Suite: An Overview What is Microsoft Intune Suite? Microsoft Intune Suite is a cloud-based suite of services that provides organizations with a comprehensive platform to manage their mobile and desktop devices. It allows businesses to manage devices, protect corporate data, secure applications, monitor user activities, and control access to corporate resources. The suite […]
Understanding the Cloud Architecture What is Cloud Architecture? Cloud architecture is the design of the systems and services that make up a cloud computing platform. It includes the structure, components, and relationships among them. This architecture is designed to meet the specific needs of the organization or user that deploys it. Benefits of Cloud Architecture […]
The True Cost of Traditional File Storage Introduction to File Storage File storage is an important part of any business, providing a secure way to store and access large amounts of data. However, traditional file storage systems are often expensive and inefficient, making them a costly investment. In this article, we’ll explore the true cost […]
Extracting Relational Schema from Streaming Data Containing Complex JSON Documents Introduction With the ever-increasing data volumes and the availability of new data sources, such as IoT devices and streaming services, cloud data architects are increasingly turning to streaming data pipelines. The challenge is to not only capture and ingest the data, but also to make […]