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Azure Communication Services: Unlock Powerful Calling Features with the Latest Update

Azure Communication Services Calling Features Update
Introduction to Azure Communication Services
Azure Communication Services is a suite of communication APIs that enables developers to quickly and easily add real-time communication experiences to their applications. It supports a wide variety of use cases, from voice and video calls to instant messaging, and provides a robust set of features to help developers build engaging applications.

What’s New in Azure Communication Services
Microsoft recently announced several new features for their Azure Communication Services. The most noteworthy are enhanced call stability, improved call quality, and new features for richer user experiences.

Enhanced Call Stability
Microsoft has improved the call stability of Azure Communication Services by adding new features to the service. This includes improved call routing, which will ensure that calls are routed to the most optimal endpoints. In addition, Microsoft has added failover mechanisms to make sure that calls are not dropped during times of high usage or network interruptions.

Improved Call Quality
Microsoft has also improved the call quality of Azure Communication Services by enhancing the underlying audio codecs and improving the overall call experience. This includes adding new features such as echo cancellation, noise reduction, and jitter buffer. All of these features help to ensure that calls are clear and uninterrupted.

New Features for Richer User Experiences
Microsoft has also added several features to Azure Communication Services to help developers create richer user experiences. This includes the ability to record calls, add custom hold music, and add live chat support. These features will help developers create more engaging applications and deliver better customer experiences.

Microsoft’s new features for Azure Communication Services will help developers create more engaging applications and deliver better customer experiences. The improved call stability and quality, along with the new features for richer user experiences, will help developers build more engaging applications and provide users with a better experience.
Azure Communication Services Calling Features Update

1. Azure Communication Services
2. Enterprise Voice
3. Video Calling